July 7, 2010
A New Garden
2 commentsYesterday Tamas tilled a new garden. The principle was to widen the main garden on our property by one extra bed. This will almost bring us to ONE acre of production on our property. This seems amazing since we now harvest all our greens from the back outside garden (we used to grow the greens in our greenhouses) and we currently have more produce than we are selling. Expansion by one more LOOOONG bed (equivalent to 6 short beds) will give us the ability to do more succession planting of our greens and be able to let some grow bigger for greens and harvesting others young for salad blends. Right now we often have bouts where we will be out of one green or the other for a few weeks while the next bed matures. We sure are learning a lot more about farming this year than we knew last year. Of course this is how life works right?

We have been feeling so blessed to be living and working on this property. As we went for a bike ride this evening and spoke about our future and our aspirations, we were privy to a most amazing sun set and some magical cloud formations and the blessing seemed even greater.
We will see some of you at Dufferin Grove Market on Thursday and others of you on Saturday and Sunday and Monday.
Thank you Kindly for reading.
Sandra Dombi
Kind Organics
July 22, 2010 at 6:47 PM
Hey have you guys thought about becoming a CSA for people in Toronto?? I've been reading a lot about them lately and there are lots of people interested in it. Just an idea.
Unfortunately we don't have any CSAs that deliver in our hood, but living close to all the farms give us enough organic meats, fruits and veg for now.
I hope everything is going well with you and the family.
July 23, 2010 at 11:18 AM
Hi Cheryl,
We have thought about doing a CSA in Toronto. We kind of abandonned the idea due to the work required to individuate boxes for people. We do some special orders for regulars that they can change up from week to week and they pick it up at the market every week. We are also very specialized and most people want a variety in their CSA box, not just greens. It is perhaps something to re-visit in the coming months as we head into fall.